Friday, March 20, 2009

You never know, you know?

We made it, finally after about 31 hours of traveling we made it. We saw one house burn down, and sat next to a crying baby, and I had a wonderful omelette. I'm still trying to figure out if it tasted more like camel cigarettes or malboros. We are adjusting to the change fairly well.. I started getting my stem cell therapy which is what I came here for The Internet connection is sporadic as am I. so I will update when I can.


  1. speaking for the whole family back here at home its good to hear your there safe and sound gavi; and nice work on firing up this blog! looking forward to following along with your experiences. tons of love gavi.

    -john, kristin and the girls

  2. Whoop there he is! So glad u r safe and jumpin right into the smell taste and sound of it all. What room are you in? How are all the lovely ladies from Manipur? Have you eaten a masaladosa yet? Kristin Sam and I took an Indian cooking class on Thursday and thought of you. Love immeasureable amounts :) rebecca

  3. Hi Gavin - hope your therapy is going well and you are remembering Rebecca's encouragement (!) in doing your therapy. Winter gave us a blizzard - a reminder that spring isn't ready yet. Looking forward to following along with your trip. Julie and Keith Chapman
