Saturday, March 28, 2009

cells divide


My computer is not functioning correctly so forgive the short posts.

All is well here. I got stem cells injected into my spinal canal. It went well. Been going to PT twice a day, six days a week, working hard, just the IV out of my arm that was there for hydration and energy. That is a relief. There was a great storm here last night. Two deafening thunder claps woke me from sleep, Greg thought it was a bomb. Rained haaaaard! Today we are going on a trip to a temple that apparently rivals the Taj Majal. It seems like there is more to tell but it escapes me for now. I will be back soon! Love, G & G


  1. Rivals the taj replica in ojai maybe......can't wait to hear of your excursion! Are you wearing the braces without the hip component? Awesome that is great progression. Totally cute nidi and the bajas helping u out great picture :) love love rebecca

  2. I miss you Gav. Try to skype me when you can. Love, a

  3. Good luck on your field trip. Had fun seeing your mom and the Neth's last week in San Diego. We are on our way back to South Dakota, caught in Denver because of another blizzard!! Keep up the good work. Julie and Keith C
